1985 Sep 22 |
In NYC ministers of America, Japan, West Germany, France and Britain (the Group of Five, G-5) unified and adopted the Plaza Accord for currency intervention and struggled to control capital exchange-rate movements. Led by the US Treasury's Sec. James Baker, it was the first effort to restore some semblance of order to the monetary system since the collapse of the postwar Breton Woods gold-anchored finance systems in the early 1970s. In the wake of the accord the dollar lost almost 30% of its value. Links: Britain, USA, France, Germany, Japan, NYC, Money, Economics, G5 |
2009 Jul 9 |
In Italy the G8 opened their summit to include the G5, which made their fifth straight appearance at the annual summit, albeit as guests, to discuss climate change, development aid, global economic growth and international trade. Links: Italy, Environment, G8, G5 |