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1975 Nov 15
The first Summit of 6 leading industrialist nations, G-6, met in Rambouillet, France, for discussions on currency and oil prices. The Group of Six included leaders from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States. They were joined a year later by Canada making the "G7". The group was originally established as a vehicle for leading industrialized democracies to discuss the global economy. It later expanded its scope to issues such as peace, the environment and terrorism. Russia, which attended the summit as a guest in 1992, was in 1998 allowed for the first time to attend all summit meetings. The grouping was officially renamed the "G8". In 2014 Vladimir Putin's Russia was suspended from the G8 after it annexed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula and sanctions were imposed on Moscow.
Links: Italy, Britain, USA, France, Germany, Japan, G7, G8, G6     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
1987 Feb 22
The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of six major industrial countries (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, G6) met in Paris and agreed in the Louvre Accord to bring down the value of the dollar.
Links: Canada, Britain, USA, France, Germany, Japan, Money, G6     Click to see the source(s) for this event 

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