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Caroline Islands

A Spaniard by the name of Francisco Lazcano named a group of about 500 small coral islands east of the Philippines, the Caroline Islands, after King Charles II of Spain who funded the expedition.
Links: Spain, Caroline Islands     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
Germany bought the Caroline Islands, a group of about 500 small coral islands east of the Philippines, from Spain for 25 million pesetas.
Links: Spain, Germany, Caroline Islands     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
Japan occupied the Caroline Islands and received a League of Nations mandate over them in 1920.
Links: Japan, Caroline Islands     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
After WW II the Caroline Islands became trust territories of the United States, eventually gaining independence as Micronesia in 1986 and Palau in 1994.
Links: USA, Micronesia, Palau, Caroline Islands     Click to see the source(s) for this event 

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