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140000 BC
120000 BC
In 2021 scientists reported that bones found in an Israeli quarry are from a branch of the human evolutionary tree and are 120,000 to 140,000 years old. The fragments of a skull, lower jaw bone and tooth were uncovered in Nesher Ramla in 2010. Researchers determined that the fossils likely came from a hominin group closely related to Neanderthals and sharing many of their features, such as the shape of the lower jaw.
Links: Israel, HistoryBC, Archeology, Neanderthal     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
65000 BC
In 2021 it was reported that red ochre pigment discovered on stalagmites in the Caves of Ardales, near Malaga in southern Spain, were created by Neanderthals about this time, making them possibly the first artists on earth.
Links: Artist, Spain, HistoryBC, Neanderthal     Click to see the source(s) for this event 
2021 Jun 24
Scientists reported that bones found in an Israeli quarry are from a branch of the human evolutionary tree and are 120,000 to 140,000 years old. The fragments of a skull, lower jaw bone and tooth were uncovered in Nesher Ramla in 2010. Researchers determined that the fossils likely came from a hominin group closely related to Neanderthals and sharing many of their features, such as the shape of the lower jaw.
Links: Israel, Archeology, Neanderthal     Click to see the source(s) for this event 

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