1965 |
Bernard Rimland (1928-2006), psychologist, founded “The Autism Society of America.” In 1964 he had authored “Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior.” In 1967 he started what came to be called the Autism Research Institute in San Diego. In 2014 it was reported that one in 68 American children is autistic. Links: USA, California, Autism |
1980 Oct 21 |
Hans Asperger (b.1906), Austrian pediatrician, died in Vienna. He pioneered research into autism and Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism where those affected are relatively high-functioning, was later named after him. In 2018 an article by medical historian Herwig Czech published in the journal Molecular Autism said that Asperger referred severely disabled children to Vienna's notorious Am Spiegelgrund clinic where almost 800 children died under the Nazi program -- many of them by lethal injection or being gassed. Links: Austria, Medical, Autism |
1998 |
Research led by Dr Andrew Wakefield, then a reader in experimental gastroenterology at London's Royal Free Hospital, became the first to suggest that the MMR vaccine might be linked to an increased risk of autism and bowel disorders. Dr Wakefield said he has evidence that children's behavior changed drastically shortly after they received the MMR jab. He said: "This is a genuinely new syndrome and urgent further research is needed to determine whether MMR may give rise to this complication in a small number of people." Dr Wakefield theorized that the combination of the three virus strains contained in MMR may overload the body's immune system and cause the bowel disorder to develop. The British journal Lancet published a study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield that linked the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine to autism. The Lancet later issued a full retraction. The research was later widely discredited and a report in 2011 said Wakefield and colleagues had altered facts about patients. Links: Britain, Medical, Autism |
2001 Feb |
A major statistical analysis published on the British Medical Journal website concluded that the soaring rate of autism in recent years is almost certainly not due to the MMR injection. The study found that the number of cases of autism has continued to rise even though MMR coverage has remained roughly the same. If MMR was the cause of illness, said the experts, the number of autism diagnoses would also have leveled off by now. Links: Medical, Pharma, Autism |
2002 Feb |
Dr Wakefield and Professor O'Leary published a paper in the journal Molecular Pathology which suggested a possible link between the measles virus and bowel disease in children with developmental disorders. The study set out to investigate whether children with developmental disorders such as autism and a bowel disorder also had the measles virus in their gut. It found traces of the virus in the guts of 75 children out of 91 with bowel disease, but in only five out of 70 healthy children. The researchers theorized that the virus may act as a trigger, leading to problems with the immune system. Dr Wakefield said most of the children in the study had had MMR, though a few had had the single vaccine. He and his colleague emphasized that it would be wrong to jump to any hasty conclusions about MMR causing either bowel disease or developmental disorders such as autism. In 2010 Dr. Wakefield was banned from practicing medicine in Britain. Links: Microbiology, Medical, Pharma, Autism |
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2002 Feb |
A team from the Royal Free Hospital - where Dr Wakefield carried out his initial research - published a study on the British Medical Journal website saying there is no link between MMR and autism. The team looked at almost 500 children with autism born between 1979 and 1998. It found the proportion of children with developmental regression (autism) or bowel disorders did not change significantly over that time. Links: Medical, Pharma, Autism |
2002 Oct 22 |
It was reported that a gene was identified that related to attention-deficit disorders and that it was located in a region of the human genome identified with autism. Links: Medical, Biology, Autism |
2005 Feb 8 |
It was reported that a 1991 memo from Merck showed that senior executives were concerned that the vaccines of an expanded immunization program contained an elevated dose of mercury by as much as 87 times the maximum guidelines for daily consumption of mercury from fish. Thimersol, an anti-bacterial compound in the vaccine, was nearly 50% ethyl mercury, a neurotoxin. The vaccine program was later tied to elevated cases of autism. Links: Pharma, Autism |
2005 Feb 21 |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched a campaign to make doctors and parents aware of the need of early diagnosis for autism. Children can be diagnosed as early as 18 months old. Links: Autism |
2005 Mar 16 |
It was reported that a Texas study found a correlation between the amount of mercury pollution and the number of autism cases. Links: Autism, Texas |
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2006 May 4 |
A US government study said some 300,000 US children have been diagnosed with autism. Links: USA, Autism, Kids |
2006 Oct |
Prof. Michael Waldman, a Cornell Univ. economist, authored a paper which suggested that early childhood TV viewing might trigger autism. Links: USA, New York, TV, Autism, Economics |
2007 |
“The Reason I Jump” by Naoki Higoshida (b.1992), Japanese poet, novelist, and essayist, was published in English in a translation by British novelist David Mitchell and his wife Keiko Yoshida. The book explained the hidden frustrations of his autism. Links: Britain, Japan, Autism, Books |
2008 |
Dr. Paul A. Offit authored “autism’s False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure.” Links: Medical, Autism, Books |
2010 Mar 12 |
The US government’s “vaccine court” ruled in 3 separate cases that the mercury-containing preservative thimerosol does not cause autism. Links: Medical, Pharma, Autism |
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2014 Jul 1 |
In southern California the parents of a severely autistic boy were arrested after investigators determined the 11-year-old had been kept in a large metal cage, possibly to control his violent outbursts. Links: USA, California, Autism, Kids |
2014 Aug 21 |
A new study suggested that there is an oversupply of synapses in at least some parts of the brains of children with autism. Links: Medical, Autism, Brain |
2014 Nov 22 |
Pope Francis tenderly embraced children with autism spectrum disorders, some of whom avoided meeting his gaze, during an audience aimed at offering solidarity to people living with the condition. Links: Vatican, Autism |
2015 |
Steve Silberman authored “Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity.” Links: Autism, Books |
2018 Apr 5 |
French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled a long-awaited, 300 million-euro autism plan for a country that is shockingly behind the curve on providing basic education and care for people on the autism spectrum. Links: France, Autism |
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2018 May 11 |
American writer John Greenfield (90) died in Los Angeles. His work included three books about his autistic son: A Child Called Noah" (1972), "A Place for Noah" (1978) and "A Client Called Noah" (1987). Links: USA, California, Writer, Autism |
2019 Dec 16 |
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued its first new autism treatment guidelines in 12 years aimed at helping doctors identify at-risk children and getting them the care they need as early as possible. Links: USA, Medical, Autism |