Pacific Ocean
1995 Feb 21 |
Chicago stockbroker Steve Fossett became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean in a balloon, landing in Leader, Saskatchewan, Canada. Links: Canada, Chicago, Balloon, Pacific Ocean |
1995 May 21 |
Larry Lee Hillblom, co-founder and majority shareholder of DHL Corp., disappeared into the Pacific Ocean in his World War II vintage seaplane. He was conservatively valued at 500 million and willed most of his estate to a charitable trust for medical research. $240 million was set aside for medical research at UCSF. He named the Bank of Saipan as executor but left behind a number of illegitimate children in the Philippines and the Mariana Islands who are laying claim to his estate. In 1998 4 children won $90 million settlements each. Later it was learned that many of his personal effects in Saipan were buried to avoid DNA tests for paternity confirmation. In 2012 James D. Scurlock authored "The Life and Ruins of a Billionaire Genius." Links: USA, Philippines, Biography, Pacific Ocean, Banking, Solomon Islands |
1996 Aug 24 |
Steve Fossett sailed across the Pacific Ocean and set a solo speed record of 20 days in his 60-foot 3-hulled boat, the Lakota. Links: Pacific Ocean |
1996 Sep 13 |
Subaru Takahashi (14) in his boat "Advantage" became the youngest person to complete a solo sail voyage across the Pacific Ocean. He did the 6000 mile journey in 54 days. Links: Pacific Ocean |
1996 Oct 5 |
It was reported that a new Hawaiian island, Loiihi, was rising 17 miles southeast of the big island of Hawaii. Its summit was 3,000 feet below the surface and its base was 15,000 feet below that. It was estimated to break surface in about 50,000 years. Links: Hawaii, Pacific Ocean |
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1996 Nov 12 |
A 6.4 earthquake hit the country centered in the Pacific Ocean about 83 miles west of Nazca, 235 miles southeast of Lima. About 17 people were killed and some 1500 injured in the 7.7 earthquake. Links: Peru, Earthquake, Pacific Ocean |
1997 1998 |
Extreme weather due to the El Nino weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean killed some 23,000 people worldwide. Damages to the Latin American region were estimated as $33 billion. Surface temperatures soared in the Pacific Ocean causing the death of 16% of corals worldwide. This El Nino weather pattern repeated again in 2010 and again in 2016. Links: Disaster, Pacific Ocean |
1998 Aug 16 |
An int’l. crew broke the 1995 Steve Fossett record for sailing across the Pacific Ocean. The Explorer twin-hulled catamaran set sail from Yokohama on Aug 2 and arrived in SF after 14 days, 17 hours and 22 minutes. Links: World Record, Pacific Ocean |
1998 |
A rise in sea temperatures due to El Nino caused a mass bleaching of the world’s coral reefs. Up to 90% of the Indian Ocean’s coral reefs turned to skeletal wastes. A mass bleaching on Australia's Great Barrier Reef occurred when sea temperatures spiked. More followed in 2002, 2016, 2017 and 2020. Links: Australia, Environment, Pacific Ocean |
2005 Oct 31 |
French rower Emmanuel Coindre ended a landmark 129-day solo voyage across the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the United States, setting a new record, according to his team. Links: France, Pacific Ocean |
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2007 Oct 30 |
It was reported that a floating mass of trash some 1,000 miles west of SF and 1,000 miles north of Hawaii covered an area about the size of Texas with an estimated mass of 3 million tons, mostly made up of plastic chips. Links: Environment, Pacific Ocean |
2008 Dec 13 |
Alex Bellini, an Italian adventurer, was rescued a mere 65 nautical miles short of his goal, Australia, after rough weather sapped him of his final shreds of energy. He had spent 10 months rowing more than 9,500 nautical miles (18,000 kilometers) across the Pacific. Links: Australia, Italy, Pacific Ocean |
2010 Apr 15 |
It was reported that researchers were warning of a new blight on the ocean: a swirl of confetti-like plastic debris stretching over thousands of square miles (kilometers) in a remote expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Links: Environment, Pacific Ocean |
2012 |
Callum Roberts authored “The Ocean of Life: The Fate of Man and the Sea.” Links: Books, Pacific Ocean |
2019 Sep 9 |
Scientists reported that a large marine heat wave has warmed the northern Pacific Ocean and is threatening to disrupt sea life from Alaska to southern California. The warm water is officially known as the Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave of 2019 and is the 2nd largest in 40 years. Links: USA, California, Pacific Ocean |