

Show timeline of Estonia
Heavily forested Estonia lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, covering some 17,550 square miles. It's bounded to the east by Russia and to the south by Latvia.
(AP, 9/14/03)
The smallest of the Baltic states Estonia has some 1.4 million people and is about the size of Pennsylvania. Suur Nunamagi is the highest point in all of the Baltics at 318 meters (1,043 ft). The country has more than 1400 lakes of which Lake Peipus, the 4th largest in Europe, is shared with Russia.
(Hem, 4/96, p.23,26)(SFC, 4/21/03, p.E3)(SSFC, 5/23/04, p.D10)

Links: The Baltics: http://www.balticsww.com
The Baltic Times: http://www.baltictimes.com/
IBS: http://www.ibs.ee/ibs/history/brief/index.html
IBS Timeline: http://www.ibs.ee/ibs/history/dates.html
Lonely Planet: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/dest/eur/est.htm
Tallinn: http://www.tallinn.ee/eng
Tourism: www.visitestonia.com