

Show timeline of Croatia
Bordered by Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia-Montenegro and Bosnia, Croatia is slightly smaller than Ireland and West Virginia. It has a varied landscape, ranging from lush valleys and fields in the east to forests in its interior and a long Adriatic Sea coastline dotted with hundreds of islands.
The capital is Zagreb with a population of 1 million.
In 2003 the population was 4.5 million.
Main ethnic minorities are Serbs, Italians and Hungarians. Average monthly wage is $625.
(AP, 6/23/03)
In 2004 Earth’s deepest know hole, 1,693 feet, was found in the Velebit Mountains of Croatia.
(SFC, 8/17/04, p.A6)

Links: Croatia Home page: http://www.hr/
CIA Factbook: http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/hr.html#gov
History: http://www.dalmatia.net/croatia/history/index.htm
ICL: http://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/law/hr__indx.html
Tourist: www.htz.hr
Yahoo: http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/Croatia/
Zubrinic: http://www.hr/hrvatska/Croatia-HCS.html